About Us
Welcome To
We play together, learn together, to become future leaders
The name of the Smart Kids Kindergarten reflects the essence and goal of this educational institution, as we provide a stimulating educational environment that encourages discovery and scientific thinking and enhances creativity among children in the pre-school age stage. In short, we provide them with a safe environment for play, exploration and interaction under the supervision of specialized trainers in several fields.
Taking into account the physical and mental differences between children, we believe that each child has a unique personality that is characterized by a different intelligence than his peers. Enhancing the positive aspects of each child and correcting the other aspects
Services We Provide
Happy environment
Active learning
Full Day Session
Special Education
Qualified Teachers
Our Vision
Preparing a child who is ready to learn, {growing – playing – thinking} loving his family and his country, and benefiting them.
Kindergarten goals
We focus on developing different aspects of child development in the early stage. They include:
Social Development: Encouraging cooperation and social interaction, and developing children’s social skills, such as sharing, speaking, listening, and problem-solving with others.
Emotional development: Enhancing the ability to express and understand feelings, and teach children how to deal with and control emotions in a healthy way, such as joy, sadness, anger, enthusiasm, and others.
Language development: enhance the language skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking, developing their vocabulary, learning sounds and letters and articulating clearly.
Motor development: Encouraging motor activity and physical development through games, physical activities, and creative movements.
Mental and Creative Development: Promote creative thinking, imagination and exploration, encouraging children to solve problems and discover new worlds through play and activities.
Technological development: Teaching children the technological skills appropriate to their age.
Some of the fun and educational activities that are organized for children in kindergarten:
Art workshops: These include drawing, coloring, and shaping using various materials.
Reading and stories: Set aside time for children to read and tell stories. Use colorful books and interesting stories to encourage a love of reading and develop language and imagination.
Science Activities: Organize science learning activities such as simple science experiments, growing plants, or making kites. These activities help develop curiosity and scientific thinking in children.
Motor games: Organizing motor games such as sports, climbing, and jumping. These activities help develop fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination in children.
Musical activities: organize musical sessions, use simple musical instruments, and learn to sing. Musical activities promote creative expression and increase their sensitivity to things and their feelings.